Protection - Servicing - Testing

Your safety is our first priority...

Fire Protection and Alarms

Fire can cause serious damage to property, can take lives and cause thousands of pounds of damage. Ensure that your premises are as safe as they can be by complying with current regulations.

Essential can help.
We can reduce the risk of fire at your premises by ensuring you have the correct equipment installed. We provide a pro-active maintenance service so you can rest assured that you always comply with the current regulations. We also work closely with the local fire officer and fire equipment suppliers to ensure compliance.
If you need to upgrade your existing equipment, we will be happy to provide a solution at very competitive prices.

  • Fire Extinguishers
  • Fire Alarms
  • Emergency Lighting

Legal Requirements
Businesses with 5 or more employees are requested to carry out a written Risk Assessment and to have an Emergency Plan in place. Failure to do so is a Criminal Offence.

Ongoing checks must be undertaken at regular frequencies and recording in the Fire Safety Log book. Essential can put in place a pro-active maintenance plan to ensure that all your checks are undertaken at the correct interval and recorded.